Partner Institutions
ATSEF Lestari Foundation
Center for Ethics and Sustainable Development
Center for Natural Resources Studies
Center for Participatory Research and Development
Cooperative Information Network: Advanced Space Technology Application Laboratory
Creative Centre for Community Mobilization
Department of Fisheries - Malawi
Department of Fisheries Malaysia
Donsak Fishers' Club
Environment Governed Integrated Organisation
Fisheries Cooperative Association of Inatori
Fisheries Cooperative Association of Yui
Fuze Ecoteer Outdoor Adventures Sdn Bhd
ICAR - Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Integrated Marine Biosphere Research
Le Centre de Recherche pour le développement des technologies intermédiaires de pêche
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Ministry of Fisheries & Aquaculture Development
Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries
Nature Conservation Management
Shizuoka Prefectural Government
Sylhet Agricultural University
Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
University of the Western Cape