Books and Chapters

Berkes, F. (2021a). Advanced Introduction to Community-based Conservation. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Berkes, F. (2021b). Toward A New Social Contract: Community-based Resource Management and Small-scale Fisheries. TBTI Global.,attention%20to%20small%2Dscale%20fisheries.
Bevitt, K., Cohen, P. J., Diver, R., Kutub Uddin, M., Lukanga, E., Patel, A., Roshan, M., Solis Rivera, V., & Westlund, L. (2022). A good practice guide for ethical and inclusive communications involving small-scale fisheries. WorldFish , FAO.
Charles, A. (2021). Community Conservation Research Network | Communities, Conservation & Livelihoods. IUCN.
Charles, A. (2023). Sustainable Fishery Systems, 2nd Edition | Wiley (2nd ed.). Wiley.
FAO, Duke University, & WorldFish. (2023). Illuminating Hidden Harvests: The contributions of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development. FAO, Duke University, WorldFish.
Islam, M. (2023). Small in Scale, Big in Contributions: Advancing Knowledge of Small-Scale Fisheries in Bangladesh.
Jentoft, S., Chuenpagdee, R., Bugeja Said, A., & Isaacs, M. (Eds.). (2022). Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy (Vol. 26). Springer International Publishing.
Li, Y., & Namikawa, T. (2020). In the Era of Big Change. TBTI Global.
Mukherjee, J. (2020). Blue Infrastructures: Natural History, Political Ecology and Urban Development in Kolkata. Springer.
Nayak, P. K. (Ed.). (2021). Making Commons Dynamic: Understanding Change Through Commonisation and Decommonisation. Routledge.
Pattanaik, S., & Sen, A. (2022). Regional Political Ecologies and Environmental Conflicts in India. Taylor & Francis.
Ramos-Miranda, J., Cabrera, M., Salas, S., Rocha, J., & Flores-Hernandez, D. (2021). Commercial species of artisanal fishing in the Yucatan Peninsula.
Rocha, J., Ramos-Miranda, J., Velazquez-Abunader, I., Cabrera, M., Salas, S., & Flores-Hernandez, D. (2021). Fishing Arts and Methods of the peninsula of Yucatan.
Sen, A. (2021). A Political Ecology of Forest Conservation in India: Communities, Wildlife and the State. Routledge.
Singh, S., Fischer-Kowalski, M., & Chertow, M. (Eds.). (2021). The Metabolism of Islands. MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
Sumaila, U. R. (Ed.). (2021). Infinity Fish: Economics and the Future of Fish and Fisheries (1st edition). Academic Press.
Book Chapters:
Akintola, S., Fakoya, K., Elegbede, I., Odunsi, O., & Jolaosho, T. (2022). Postharvest Practices in Small-Scale Fisheries (pp. 79–110).
Akintola, S. L. (2022). Perception and Reality of Justice in the Small-Scale Fisheries of Nigeria. In S. Jentoft, R. Chuenpagdee, A. Bugeja Said, & M. Isaacs (Eds.), Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy (pp. 179–197). Springer International Publishing.
Andrews, E. J., Daly, J., El Halimi, M., & Chuenpagdee, R. (2022). Governance for Blue Justice: Examining Struggles and Contradictions in Atlantic Canada’s Small-Scale Fisheries. In S. Jentoft, R. Chuenpagdee, A. Bugeja Said, & M. Isaacs (Eds.), Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy (pp. 75–95). Springer International Publishing.
Areola, F. O. (2022). An Evaluation of Multidimensional Justice Conflicts in Small-Scale Fisheries in Nigeria. In S. Jentoft, R. Chuenpagdee, A. Bugeja Said, & M. Isaacs (Eds.), Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy (pp. 161–178). Springer International Publishing.
Ashab, M., & Rashid, A. (2021). Fishing at the Frontier Lived Experiences from a Riverine Fishing Community at the Bangladesh-India Border.
Barragán-Paladines, M. J., Schoon, M., D’Escury, W. C., & Chuenpagdee, R. (2023). Managing Fish or Governing Fisheries? An Historical Recount of Marine Resources Governance in the Context of Latin America – The Ecuadorian Case. In S. Partelow, M. Hadjimichael, & A.-K. Hornidge (Eds.), Ocean Governance: Knowledge Systems, Policy Foundations and Thematic Analyses (pp. 47–71). Springer International Publishing.
Blythe, J., Armitage, D., Bennett, N., Silver, J. J., & Song, A. M. (2021). Conditions and Cautions for Transforming Ocean Governance. In J. Baird & R. Plummer (Eds.), Water Resilience: Management and Governance in Times of Change (pp. 241–261). Springer International Publishing.
Chuenpagdee, R., Bugeja-Said, A., Isaacs, M., & Jentoft, S. (2022). Towards Blue Justice for Small-Scale Fisheries. In S. Jentoft, R. Chuenpagdee, A. Bugeja Said, & M. Isaacs (Eds.), Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy (pp. 681–692). Springer International Publishing.
Chuenpagdee, R., Isaacs, M., Bugeja-Said, A., & Jentoft, S. (2022). Collective Experiences, Lessons, and Reflections About Blue Justice. In S. Jentoft, R. Chuenpagdee, A. Bugeja Said, & M. Isaacs (Eds.), Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy (pp. 657–680). Springer International Publishing.
Fakoya, K., Oloko, A., & Harper, S. (2022). Understanding Vulnerability of Urban Waterfront Communities to Rapid Development: The Case of Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria. In S. Jentoft, R. Chuenpagdee, A. Bugeja Said, & M. Isaacs (Eds.), Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy (pp. 451–467). Springer International Publishing.
Isaacs, M., Ginindza, J., & Mhlanga, W. (2022). Small-Scale Fishers in the Time of COVID-19: Reinforcing the Inequalities in the Food, Economic, and Governance Systems in South Africa and Zimbabwe. In S. Jentoft, R. Chuenpagdee, A. Bugeja Said, & M. Isaacs (Eds.), Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy (pp. 413–430). Springer International Publishing.
Jentoft, S., & Chuenpagdee, R. (2022). Blue Justice in Three Governance Orders. In S. Jentoft, R. Chuenpagdee, A. Bugeja Said, & M. Isaacs (Eds.), Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy (pp. 17–32). Springer International Publishing.
Lafaye de Micheaux, F., & Jenia, M. (2021). Chapter 26 - Groundwater and society: Enmeshed issues, interdisciplinary approaches. In A. Mukherjee, B. R. Scanlon, A. Aureli, S. Langan, H. Guo, & A. A. McKenzie (Eds.), Global Groundwater (pp. 359–369). Elsevier.
Li, Y. (2022). Adopting a Blue Justice Lens for Japanese Small-Scale Fisheries: Important Insights from the Case of the Inatori Kinme Fishery. In S. Jentoft, R. Chuenpagdee, A. Bugeja Said, & M. Isaacs (Eds.), Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy (pp. 277–294). Springer International Publishing.
Linke, S., Gillette, M. B., & Jentoft, S. (2022). Institutionalizing Injustice? Aligning Governance Orders in Swedish Small-Scale Fisheries. In S. Jentoft, R. Chuenpagdee, A. Bugeja Said, & M. Isaacs (Eds.), Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy (pp. 529–547). Springer International Publishing.
Mukherjee, J., & Lahiri-Dutt, K. (2021). South Asian Chars as Destabilizers. In M. Zaman & M. Alam (Eds.), Living on the Edge: Char Dwellers in Bangladesh (pp. 25–40). Springer International Publishing.
Mukherjee, S., & Mandal, M. K. (2022). Collective Resilience: Macro Influencing Micro. In R. C. Tripathi, B. R. Kar, & N. Pande (Eds.), Towards an Integrative Psychological Science: Issues, Approaches and Applications (pp. 101–117). Springer.
Nair, N. V. (2021). Born to fish, forced to shift: Vulnerabilities of smallscale fisheries in Chilika Lagoon, India. In: K. In Blue Justice for Small-Scale Fisheries: A Global Scan (Vol. 2, pp. 325–339). TBTI Global Publication Series, St. J.
Nauen, C. E., & Arraes Treffner, M. F. (2022). Strengthening Capabilities of Individuals and Communities Through a Small-Scale Fisheries Academy. In S. Jentoft, R. Chuenpagdee, A. Bugeja Said, & M. Isaacs (Eds.), Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy (pp. 611–633). Springer International Publishing.
Nayak, P. K. (2022). Making Sense of Multidimensional Injustice for Creating Viable Small-Scale Fisheries in Chilika Lagoon, Bay of Bengal. In S. Jentoft, R. Chuenpagdee, A. Bugeja Said, & M. Isaacs (Eds.), Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy (pp. 199–212). Springer International Publishing.
Nayak, P. K., Dias, A. C. E., & Pradhan, S. K. (2020). Traditional Fishing Community and Sustainable Development. In W. Leal Filho, A. M. Azul, L. Brandli, A. Lange Salvia, & T. Wall (Eds.), Life Below Water (pp. 1–18). Springer International Publishing.
Nayak, P. K., & Pradhan, S. K. (2023). Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Social-ecological Wellbeing. In S. Chetri, T. Dutta, M. K. Mandal, & P. Patnaik (Eds.), Handbook of Happiness: Reflections and Praxis from Around the World (pp. 205–219). Springer Nature.
Pradhan, S. K., Nayak, P. K., & Dias, A. C. E. (2023). Happiness and Subjective Wellbeing: Explorations of Inherent Linkages. In S. Chetri, T. Dutta, M. K. Mandal, & P. Patnaik (Eds.), Understanding Happiness: An Explorative View (pp. 157–173). Springer Nature.